Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine and Laser Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an ancient art of healing and is part of the Chinese Medicine approach to balancing health and wellness. Your qualified acupuncture practitioner will take a detailed health history and according to the answers given, signs and symptoms a treatment plan or prescription of where the needles are placed will be decided upon. This combination of points connects together in a fine network known as meridians. Each point and meridian has a specific role in healing. Placing them together creates a stronger more effective treatment.
How does acupuncture help with pain relief? The insertion of ultra fine needles into the body helps promote blood circulation and decrease inflammation. Studies show acupuncture also helps to stimulate the production of endorphins (natural pain relief hormones).
Scientific data has helped in identifying the effectiveness of acupuncture, the WHO
(World Health Organisation) has accepted 38 conditions which Acupuncture is helpful with.
Some of the most common conditions identified include insomnia, headaches and migraines, knee osteoarthritis, arthritic conditions, hormone imbalance, morning sickness, chronic low back pain, shoulder pain, TMJ, digestive issues and several emotional concerns such as anxiety and PTSD.
How does Laser Acupuncture differ? This is where traditional medicine and its thousands of years of knowledge combines with modern technology. Laser Acupuncture uses a Low Level Laser (LLL) or Cold Laser. As the laser is placed on specific points the light stimulates these points and connects them together similar to a fibre optic network. Laser Acupuncture is designed to reduce pain, enhance tissue healing, both in hard and soft tissues, including muscles and ligaments. It increases oxygenation of tissues and allows injured or damaged cells to absorb photons of light, speeding up the healing process.
This painless treatment is especially ideal for those who are needle phobic and who have acute pain.
How Does Laser Acupuncture Work?
How does Laser Acupuncture differ from Acupuncture with needles? This is where traditional medicine and its thousands of years of knowledge combines with modern technology. Your Acupuncturist uses their knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine to create a treatment plan of acupuncture points. In the case of Laser Acupuncture the therapist uses the medical laser to stimulate these points. This painless treatment is especially ideal for those who are needle phobic and those who have acute pain. Laser Acupuncture is designed to reduce pain, enhance tissue healing, both in hard and soft tissues, including muscles and ligaments. It increases oxygenation of tissues and allows injured or damaged cells to absorb photons of light, speeding up the healing process. As the laser is placed on the specific points the light stimulates a network of points connected together similar to a fibre optic network.
If you have one or more of these problems Laser Acupuncture can help you.
Acute pain / arthritic pain / joint pain/
Back Pain
Foot Pain / Plantar Fasciitis
Muscle Spasm
Neck Pain
Neuralgia / Nerve Pain
Tennis elbow
Stress/ Anxiety/Insomnia
At Laser Acupuncture Digby there are packages for the following :-
Quitting Smoking
Weight Management