Laser Acupuncture and Addictions
In 1985 the National Acupuncture detoxification Association (NADA) protocol began to be used to treat addiction with Acupuncture. This method is used in over 250 hospitals in the United Kingdom and United States. In 1996, the World Health Organization accepted acupuncture as a treatment for drug abuse.
Acupuncture increases the levels of endorphin, serotonin and dopamine in the brain. The increase of these hormones help to ease the detox effects of withdrawal. They help to improve pain, mood swing, digestive disturbance and sleep.
Laser Acupuncture is a safe and time effective way to treat addiction.
Each session is 30 minutes long. Several sessions are required, usually six but sometimes more depending on each personal experience.
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Package
Package #1 $600
Day 1
Health intake and consultation – including your first Laser Acupuncture Treatment
Day 2
Full Treatment of Laser Acupuncture
Treatments 3 - 6 will be arranged depending on the strength of the detox symptoms